Je cherche une chambre Je cherche une chambre

Dates et loyer

A partir de 1.7.2024

Jusqu'au Illimité

  1 jahr

Loyer mensuel sFr. 800 .-


Région Lucerne

Arrondissement / quartier Emmenbrucke

A proximité de

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Je cherche I am looking for a room in a shared flat

Je suis I am Boris, I am from Ecuador. Currently I am doing a PhD in health sciences at the university of luzern. I studied before mathematics and statistics. I am also a part time drummer I play in two bands one in zug and one in zurich, but relax ( i dont have my drumset in my room :). I enjoy cooking and prepare cakes also I like to swim and working out. If you have a room to share in the surroindings please feel free to contact me by mail or whatsapp, we can arrange a meeting to meet each other. Cheers. Boris


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