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Dates et loyer

A partir de 1.9.2024

Jusqu'au January 31 , 2025

Loyer mensuel sFr. 600 .-


Région Zürich (Oerlikon, Seebach, Affoltern)

Arrondissement / quartier Oerlikon or

A proximité de Preferably nearby main campus UZH Zürich

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Je cherche I am looking to share an appartement with another exchange student of the UZH/ETH. No other profiles.

Je suis I am an incoming exchange student at UZH Zurich for the period September 2024 to January 2025. I am 22 years old and currently based in Antwerp.

I came to study in Zürich due to academic considerations. I have a strong passion for Finance , in particular quantitative finance. The university of Zürich has a broad range of courses in this field. This passion extends beyond academic activities. I am a board member Corporate relations of Belgiums biggest financial student organization called Capitant. For references . Furthemore I am interested in the culture and living circumstances of Zürich. Maybe one day , I am considering to moving there permanently or completing a full masters. This is offcourse conditional upon a succesfull exchange

To give a consize description of me : An indiviual with a high motivation who loves to study and soocialize with other people. I regularly run , attend networking events and love to dine and (once in a while) party with my friends . I come from a belgian -egyptian background growing up in catholic and muslim traditions. Growing up in this enviornment thaught me to be flexible in thinking and serving as a bridge between people of different cultures.

Sidenote : If you want to see some pictures of me you can always follow me on instagram @tarikelsalawi .


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