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Je propose une chambre Je propose une chambre

Dates et loyer

A partir de 1.7.2024

Jusqu'au Illimité

Loyer mensuel sFr. 850 .–


Région Argovie

Adresse Rebmoosweg 69

Lieu 5200 Brugg

Arrondissement / quartier Brugg

A proximité de Busstop and shopping

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La chambre estRoom for rent to PSI Students in Brugg, starting on 1. Juli 2024 (negotiable)

It’a a 13m2 furnished room in a house with a terrace with a beautiful view towards the Alps (Titlis and Rigi). In the price, Fr. 850.- are all additional expenses included (electricity, water, heating, internet connection), as well as breakfast and dinner. It is well connected by public transport to Villigen, Baden, Zurich, Lenzburg, Aarau, Olten, and so on. Kitchen, bathroom and laundry room to be shared.

Nous cherchons

PSI Students Phd Villigen

Nous sommes

2 Persons privat
1 PhD Student fom PSI Villigen


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