Suche ein Zimmer
Suche ein Zimmer

Daten und Miete

Ab dem 1.9.2024

Bis Unbefristet

Miete / Monat sFr. 800 .-


Region Zürich (Stadt)

Kreis / Quartier

In der nähe

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Ich suche a room in a shared apartment starting September 2024, ideally with easy access to ETH.

Ich bin Ben, an easygoing, straightforward and tidy (22 year-old) roommate from the UK.

I’ll be moving to Zürich in September for my Master’s in Management, Technology, and Economics at ETH. After wrapping up my undergrad in Computer Science, I’m excited to meet new people and explore what the city has to offer!

Having lived with other students for the last 4 years in various student houses and shared apartments, I am used to keeping things tidy and understand the importance of a comfortable home environment.

I enjoy staying active through various sports (like running and martial arts) and spending time outdoors. I am outgoing, but I also enjoy spending time alone and respect others' preference for quiet time. I am reliable and observant, and always do my best to make sure everyone feels comfortable :)

If you have any more questions or want to get to know me a bit better, let’s connect!


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