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Dates et loyer

A partir de 1.6.2024

Jusqu'au Illimité

Loyer mensuel sFr. 819 .–


Région Berne

Adresse Sandrainstrasse 6

Lieu 3007 Bern

Arrondissement / quartier Marzili

A proximité de Marzilibad, Aldi, 15 min walk to Bhf

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La chambre estThe room is small but it has exit on the balcony, which is shared with me. Despite the small room, there is a big living room and lots of space. It is partly furnished; there is desk, chair, and drawer. Bed and mattress will have to be bought. Balcony needs a bit of organizing and extra table but this can be sorted by summer :)
Price is 819 with some bills and internet included. There is additional cost for serafe (365/year), electricity (depends on the consumption) and apartment insurance (also around 300/year) but we split this on 3 parts. For this year, we covered serafe/insurance bill already.

Nous cherchons

We are looking for a mature person who is looking for a quiet and clean home. We are independent and like to do our own things but have a chat if we meet at home.

Nous sommes

Maruska (32, Slo), living here for a year. Currently in my last semester of masters degree. I love to cook, read, growing plants unsuccessfully, snowboard, swim in the river and go for a jog or hike.
Ana (24, Cro), recently graduated. Will sublet her room while attending job opportunity in Basel, so by the time you arrive, we might have other flat-mate temporary.


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