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Je propose une chambre Je propose une chambre

Dates et loyer

A partir de 1.6.2024

Jusqu'au Illimité

Loyer mensuel sFr. 750 .–


Région Zürich (Oerlikon, Seebach, Affoltern)

Adresse Birnbaumstrasse 7

Lieu 8050 Zurich

Arrondissement / quartier 11

A proximité de Great location, and suprisingly quiet area.
5min from Oerlikon train station, so 10min from HB and the airport.
In 5min you can reach six major super markets, clothing stores etc. Great fast food, ok-ish restaurants, good pubs! Swimming pool nearby.

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La chambre estYou are directly connected to the big living room, there is lots of space and light and you will have it for yourself much of the time. The room fits a bed and workspace, and there is a large wooden closet in the living room for your clothes.

The light availability of the room is good. It´s oriented towards the South so there is quite a bit of daylight. If you leave the room open to the living room, there is good lighting coming from both sides.

The room is only available because our currnet roommate is moving in together with his partner. It´s a nice flat and good place to live.

Nous cherchons

We search for any polite and tidy person between 25 and 35, Swiss or international is both fine but we mainly speak English.

Nous sommes

- Nikki (F), a Bulgarian working in IT, with many passions amongst which music and stand up comedy
- Joe (M) who is a Swiss-Peruvian language teacher, who lived on four continents and also a music lover.
- Adam (M) an irish consultant, frequently going running after work which can be joined.
- Dave (M) ,who is also a Swiss and is soon to be concluding his masters in environmental science, also vegetarian.

Sometimes we do a BBQ, board games, or some afterwork beers will spontaneously erupt, and in general most days everyone does there thing and is happy with it.

It´s a good community to be especially if you are into music, jogging, and swimming (Oerlikon pool is 5min by foot).


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