Zoek een kamer Zoek een kamer

Data en huur

Van de 1.7.2024

Tot Onbeperkt

Huurprijs / maand sFr. 1100 .-


Regio Zürich (City)



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Ik ben op zoek naar I'm looking for a nice WG anywhere in the city of Zürich. The vibe should be positive and casual, with occasional gatherings but nothing forced.

Ik ben I'm 27 and I work (study) at ETH as a PHD student. I come from the french part of switzerland, so I speak french english and I can understand some swiss german. I also do some sports but who doesn't these days? :) Mainly ski, running, badminton and fitness. I like to cook, to talk, and to have the occasional glass of wine. Other than that, I'm quiet and tidy.

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